gnuplot 5.5.end binary packages (windows and cygwin)

Binary package for gnuplot for windows (development version)
last modified 2024-04-12
commit 44d9343f14a2c9c3fff7b1ed5346320baccafd3d

$ ls -l gp610-`date +%Y%m%d`
-rw-r--r-- 1 tmacc tmacc 65528818 Apr 19 10:30
$ sha1sum gp610-`date +%Y%m%d`
6d807c959d22e3ff914812a257e3cfc8138cba58 *

· expint is not available due to license issue.
  #2475 [5.5] complex expint cannot be built on windows build

· Workaroud for font problem on the qt terminal is here :
  #2476 font problem on qt terminal on windows

· "Watchpoints", "polar grid", and "function block" are implemented.
  · watch points New gnuplot subsystem "watchpoints"
  · polar grid "set polar grid" and plot "with surface" produce a polar heatmap
  · function block new variable type FUNCTIONBLOCK

Binary package for gnuplot for cygwin64 (development version)
last modified 2024-04-12
commit 44d9343f14a2c9c3fff7b1ed5346320baccafd3d

$ ls -l gp610-`date +%Y%m%d`-cygwin64.tar.gz
-rw-rw-r--+ 1 user user 14747637 Aug 26 15:51 gp610-20230826-cygwin64.tar.gz
$ sha1sum gp610-`date +%Y%m%d`-cygwin64.tar.gz
bfae471ceba371ca3bd21dad86d4412c3b1c10d3 *gp610-20230826-cygwin64.tar.gz
· Refer readme.txt in the package.

· qt terminal is experimentally implmented.

· expint is not available due to license issue.
  #2475 [5.5] complex expint cannot be built on windows build
· "Watchpoints", "polar grid", and "function block" are implemented.
  · watch points New gnuplot subsystem "watchpoints"
  · polar grid "set polar grid" and plot "with surface" produce a polar heatmap
  · function block new variable type FUNCTIONBLOCK

Tatsuro MATSUOKA (email :